Boulder County Area Agency on Aging | Community Services Department

Boulder County Area Agency on Aging provides older adults (60+) and caregivers the education and information that supports healthy aging in their homes and community. Our workshops and classes are provided by trained, certified and knowledgeable teachers and leaders. Select classes and appointments are offered in English and Spanish.

These classes are for older adults and caregivers who live in Boulder County. There is no charge, but we do appreciate donations!

Please create an account if you have not done so before. The process is quick, and we assure you any information you provide is secure. We are always available to answer any questions you may have about the registration process. Please email us at

Individual appointments are available to make with Resource Specialists, Medicare Counselors and Veterans Services Officers. Please click on the 1:1 Appointments button on the top right hand side of this screen.

For more information about the Area Agency on Aging, please go to

For information about resources and services, please call the AAA Resource Line at 303-441-1617.

Click here for step-by-step registration help       FAQs

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Calendar View
Fresh Conversations Nutrition Education
Fresh Conversations is an evidence-based nutrition education program focused on timely nutrition topics. To find a ... More
Date: 10/09/2024
Time: 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Location: Virtual/Online
Status: 19 spaces available